Sunday, July 31, 2011

"let's go somewhere" recording

*UPDATE* 5-2-12

i edited more drums.  i'm bound and determined to get a record done this year.

 may, 2 2012

*UPDATE* 5-1-12

i edited drums.  still a long way to go.  i'm not cut out for engineering.

 may, 1 2012

*UPDATE* 10-19-11

between working on my website, booking shows, rehearsing, writing, and traveling, i found some time to record some vocals on this song. i'm in no way proud of it just yet, but i did make a commitment to this blog. and i was just sick of hearing nothing but instrumentals. i am trying to figure out my recording environment at home. i'm not comfortable with it as of yet and i haven't quite figured out how to get what i want out of my equipment. but this is a demo so it will work for at least this post.

i also finished writing the lyrics to this song earlier this week. i'm much more proud of that. they're posted below.

october, 19 2011

Home sweet home
Home enough to call your own
Sweet enough for anyone
Defined by the population sign

There's a statue on the courthouse square
Steeple crosses in the air
That try to keep you satisfied
If you forget the questions in your mind

Sometimes you close your eyes and do nothing more
Find just what you're looking for
Make believe you're flying

I think it's time I focus my rearview mirror
Watch this place disappear
Hit the gas and go somewhere

I get it
At least I get the gist of it
Do just what my father did
Or perhaps a little more

Find a girl and settle down
Maybe buy a great big house
Where I sleep away my cares
But somewhere there's something else, I swear

Sometimes you close your eyes and do nothing more
Find just what you're looking for
Make believe you're flying

I think it's time I focus my rearview mirror
Watch this place disappear
Hit the gas, let's go somewhere

Every single road I find
Takes me to a place I thought I left behind
Guess I'll never know
The end of this road

So help me find
Somewhere else to run and hide
Something that I haven't tried
I'm running out of time
Or just as well from myself tonight

Sometimes you close your eyes and do nothing more
Find just what you're looking for
Make believe you're flying

I think it's time I focus my rearview mirror
Watch this place disappear
Hit the gas, let's go somewhere

*UPDATE* 9-15-11

look at the date. this is long overdue. my apologies.

matt price came over last week. we did a bunch of guitar work. and both of us only had a couple hours to work with. so we made some significant progress, right? then i had to run off to a meeting. i left him downstairs in front of the computer and i went upstairs to iron a shirt. long story short, my house can't handle that much power on one circuit or something electrical that prevents me from having my studio, window a/c unit, and a clothes iron running the same time. no, i didn't save our work up until that point and half the house lost power the minute i plugged my iron in. i was pissed.

so matt price cleared his schedule for a couple hours and we got some more work done today without any interruptions. i'm pleased with the results.

note: matt price works way too much and gets paid way too little. enjoy.

september, 15 2011

if you're not familiar with the song, i'm sorry. i don't think i have a good live recording of it on youtube or anything. but if you find one, let me know!

so those of you who have never heard it, i hope you follow this blog and watch (listen) to a song develop right in front of your eyes (ears)! nate and i stayed up until 8 am getting familiar with logic 9 (my recording software) and working on this song. basically, we have some piano, some drums, and some bass guitar. not even close to being finished, mind you. but here you go...

july 31, 2011

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