Sunday, June 21, 2009

my first blog

alright, so check it. this is my first blog. i must say right off the bat, there's really not anything in particular i deem terribly important to share... so i can't help but thinking that all of this is going to be a lot of just useless and pointless rhetoric. reminds of me when i was in school writing term papers and filled the page with whatever i could think of to basically say the same thing over and over again yet making it seem like i wasn't. the art of bullshitting. :) at the same time, i feel as if i do this now and get into the habit of it, every once in awhile i might actually come up with something remarkable to say. so here we go. my first blog.

so i think people just talk about their lives and stuff on here, right? alright. well, for starters, my life has been incredibly hectic as of late. if i'm not running back and forth to nashville missing phone calls and texts along the way, then i'm working on music or working down at the club. either way, i'm always doing something from the time i wake up until the wee hours of the morn. i guess the only real time i get to relax is after a show with a bottle of sam. wow. that's one of the most pathetic things i've ever shared.

alright. should i share something else? this doesn't seem long enough. um. alright, i like pizza. namely, frozen pizza. recently i've been consuming an exorbitant amount of frozen pizza. my god. does my life sound sad or what. i swear to god, it really isn't! i'm having a great time! can't i select a mood or something on here like you can on myspace? hmm... let's see... how about a quote?

"It's four o'clock in the morning, dammit/Listen to me good/I'm sleeping with myself tonight/Saved in time, thank God my music's still alive"

so there you have it. my first blog. i blogged. that was a blog. i don't like the word, "blog." but behold, here it is. i punched out a few paragraphs, i quoted a line from a somewhat familiar pop song, i conveyed my mood and hinted at just a tinge of loneliness. yeah, this looks like a blog to me. profound? maybe not. but if you, too, are a bit lonely then maybe i've inspired you to make my blog a frequent haunt when it's after midnight and you're sleep deprived and you've got nothing else to do but seek out meaning and understanding thru the means of the great social disconnect we call the internet. i gotta say, you probably won't find it here. but if you're still reading this, then thanks. maybe you're a blogger too. so, here's to being up way too late and feeding our chronic narcissism with delusions like the one that encourages us to share our inner most thoughts to a hidden audience and tells us that it means anything at all. and here's to trying. cheers.